The Sugar Show
If you’re building a business as a cosmetologist, esthetician, or wax professional, chances are you LOVE helping people feel beautiful in their own skin. But at the same time, you find yourself lying awake at night worrying where your next client will come from, wondering if you’ll be able to make rent this month, and wishing building a business didn’t feel so gosh-darn hard.Lucky for you, you’re in the right place.Your host and body sugaring expert Shannon O’Brien has taken her own skincare business from zero to multiple six figures simply by adding sugar to her treatment menu, and has helped over 3000 students learn to do the same.As a licensed esthetician, award-winning spa owner, national speaker, and spa consultant, Shannon is here to simplify the process and connect you with the right resources and education to build a profitable, self-sustaining skincare business so you can provide better services for your clients, make more money in your business, and enjoy greater balance between your work and home life.Join us each week and get your hands on the cutting-edge education you need to turn your skincare business into a smooth operation in no time!
The Sugar Show
Sweet Success: Transforming Challenges into Opportunities with Sugaring and SMART Goals
What if a personal and professional breakthrough could stem from something as simple as body sugaring? In this episode, I take you on a heartfelt journey, sharing my transformation from a tumultuous divorce and the challenges of being a single mother to discovering my passion and building a successful business in the beauty industry. Through the art of sugaring, I found not only financial stability but also a community of support and purpose. Fast forward to 2022, where amidst new personal struggles, sugaring once again became my lifeline, offering both healing and opportunity.
But that's not all; this episode is also a call to action for anyone in the skincare and sugaring industry to harness the power of SMART goals. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just embarking on your journey, learn how to set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound objectives that align with your vision. And as we plan for success in 2025, you'll discover the immense value of being part of a supportive community like Love to Sugar. Join us for tales of sweet success from industry professionals, and gear up for next month's deep dive into financial foundations. Together, let's set our sights on a prosperous future, knowing we're cheering each other on every step of the way!
If you’ve connected with or been inspired by this episode in any way, leave us a review and let us know your biggest takeaway - I’d love to hear how you embrace Sugaring For All!! And while you've got your phone out, make sure to follow us on Instagram @Love2Sugar.
If you are interested in learning more about Radeq Lab's Premium Prebiotic Sugar Line of products, you can find them at www.radeqlab.us.
If you are interested in our business planner you can find the SugarBoss Planner here --->https://www.lulu.com/spotlight/love2sugar
The link to our Monthly SugarBiz Blueprint: https://www.love2sugar.com/offers/cMhp76LA/checkout
Cheers to your Sweet Success!
I'm excited to welcome you back. If you are new, we've been doing this for five seasons, over 150 episodes. Some of them were so long ago I had to take them down off the podcast. But we are here and we are back, and we're doing this on multiple platforms, so welcome. I am really excited to welcome you all. Welcome to our Sugar Tribe. It is a place where we connect and learn and grow together as beauty professionals, when we're all either passionate about body sugaring or you're really excited to learn about it, no matter where you are.
Speaker 1:I have interviewed the best of the best in this industry on this show and even outside of this industry to bring you different ideas to help boost your skincare business. Now, this little episode is a little more personal and raw than usual, starting out especially, but I promise it will leave you inspired. Today, I'm sharing how sugar didn't just save my life once, but twice, and how it's given me the strength and the tools to rebuild and thrive and help others do the same. Then we're going to do a little different something here. We're going to switch over to how I start the year strong and how I challenge you to do the same. So grab your favorite drink or get your dog out on that walk. I highly recommend you re-listen if you're somewhere where you can't take notes, but then settle in and let's get to something sweet. Okay, so let's start with how Sugar Saved my Life, which sounds like a pretty dramatic title, but really, truly, it's the truth. So this will be the quick Cliff Notes version for those of you that are new to the show. If you want to hear the full episodes, I will link those in the show notes for you.
Speaker 1:But let me take you back to 2009. I had just gone through a divorce. 2009. I had just gone through a divorce. I sold my beloved day spa in Lake Tahoe and I moved to a new city as a single mom with two little boys, and starting over was not easy, and there were nights that I stared at the ceiling wondering if I'd have to go back to my corporate job just to make ends meet. But here's the thing when life gets hard, sometimes opportunity like that little ball of lemon, sugar and water shows up in unexpected places, and for me, that opportunity was sugaring. I was terrible at first for those of you who have known me for a really long time, it's no joke but I stuck with it and I practiced and improved long time. It's no joke, but I stuck with it and I practiced and improved and slowly, my students and my clients started to take notice and, one by one, my clients started to ditch their wax appointments and fall in love with sugaring. And it transformed my business and before I knew it, I was fully booked and thriving, and I am proud to say that that was 15 years ago. And now those little boys are off to college and I am in my sugar salon with staff and it's going really, really well, all because of lemon, sugar and water. That's it. And now sugar water and pre and post biotics but that's for another episode.
Speaker 1:So sugaring didn't just save my business. It became. It gave me a strong tool in my tool belt. It really gave me purpose, which I never expected, and a way to connect with my clients that I never expected either. And that's when I realized that this wasn't just about hair removal. It was about creating a community for them because the people in my local community all love to talk about sugar mamas but a community for other estheticians to learn and grow. And in 2014, which is 11 years ago now, is when I started Love to Sugar. So, all again, from just wanting to set myself apart and learning sugaring was the way that I was able to do that. So thank you sugar.
Speaker 1:Now the second sugar save was fast forward to 2000, about 22. This was a little bit after COVID and life threw me another curve ball that I never saw coming. So I can't believe. Like I said, this is our 11th year and I've been pouring my heart and soul into love to sugar, teaching sugaring, building the sugar tribe community. But behind the scenes, my personal life took a major setback and without diving into details out of respect for my kids, I'll just say this my life as I knew it completely changed and there were moments when the heartbreak, just it just felt insurmountable and honestly I wondered if I'd ever feel whole again. But once again I am so thankful that I have sugaring on the menu because it came to my rescue and because I had built a strong business with sugar. That is what really kept that foundation alive. And because I had built a strong, sustainable business with sugaring as that foundation, I could actually step back when I needed to heal my heart, because my team was ready, my systems were in place and the skills that I've honed over the years reminded me that, no matter where life takes me, I always have the tools to rebuild, because I've been really been planning and keeping everything with systems this entire last few years. So sugaring not only gave me the financial security but the freedom to then, because this shop was running thank you to my staff I was able to prioritize healing my heart and healing my family, and I'm really, really proud of that.
Speaker 1:So now that we've reflected on how sugaring has transformed my life, let's shift gears and talk about you. What we're going to be doing on this season of the Sugar Show is we're not just going to share stories of sweet success, which I'm so excited. We have guests that are coming onto the show, that are going to be from all different walks of life that have decided to add on sugaring from cosmetologists, beauty school students and, obviously, estheticians why they chose to ditch the wax stick and how they saw sweet success in their sugar journey by adding sugar to their skincare journey. So we are going to be doing the sugar show a little bit different, where we'll do half sweet success and then half business ideas. And for those of you that have been triggering for a really long time and are looking to really take your business to the next level in this next year. This is a great opportunity for you to start really honing in on your business and we have a whole course for that and there's links and all that good stuff. But on the podcast we're going to be kind of touching the 30,000 foot view of what you need to be focusing on each month in your business. So we're going to do those things sweet success and how to get there by focusing on your business. So we're going to give you actionable advice, not just talking at you about business, because that's boring, nobody loves that. But we want you to help build your dream sugaring business. And if you're an employee listening to this or a student and you don't have your own business yet, that is absolutely fine. We have a how to build your sugar business class that's coming out this month, so stay tuned for that. But we also can utilize these skills even as an employee, even as someone who's just starting out. It's always smart to start this way.
Speaker 1:Now some of us that have been doing this a really long time are like you know, I probably should have a budget. I probably should start with some goals you know for the year, and that's fine, even if you've been doing this for 20 years or 14 years or 14 months. The idea is to really kind of start fresh in your business and see your business with a fresh pair of eyes. Again, students, you're going to look forward to what you want your business to look like. Employees, your treatment room is actually like a small business for you and you should treat it as such. Just because your boss brings the supplies and takes the taxes out and all that doesn't mean you shouldn't be building that business as if it were your own. It's really, really critical for you to understand. So if you do not own your own business, that is totally fine, but act as if you do is the message.
Speaker 1:Um, okay, so we are going to start strong with one of the most powerful tools for success, which is setting goals and I know this might sound kind of cheesy like set goals. Of course you should, but we want to really kick off the new year with the idea of setting goals to transform your sugaring business and to take the steps that it takes to get there to make this the most successful year yet. So grab your notebook, grab your favorite beverage and touch your puppy and sit down at your table, and let's do this. So it's time to think big, to dream boldly and to take actionable steps to make this year the most successful yet. So, first of all, you've got your notebook out. If you do not already have the Sugar Boss Planner, I will have a link to that below in the show notes. So open your Sweet Success Planner. We're going to go to the goals page or take out a fresh sheet of blank paper, because that will be what we can use here, and we're going to dive into smart goals.
Speaker 1:And you've heard about creating a vision board and mapping out milestones to turn those dreams into reality, right? Well, we're going to do that today. So I really believe that the key to any successful business is having clear direction, not just talking about it but actually doing it and to take that roadmap and help you navigate the ups and downs that come with running your own business or, just like said, being an employee in someone else's. We want to sound, we want to do something that starts so simple, but setting up those goals in actually a very specific and meaningful way. So let's break down something that's called smart goals. You may have heard of these before, but today I want you to take a step back and apply these concepts directly to your skincare business, to your sugaring practice whatever if you're at a cosmetologist in your salon.
Speaker 1:And SMART stands for Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and I'm going to slow down for you Relevant and time bound, okay. So specific your goal needs to be clear and specific. Think about exactly what you want to achieve in your sugaring business this year. So, for example, instead of saying you know I want more clients Of course we want more clients you would say I want to attract 20 new clients by the end of March. Get specific 20 new clients by the end of March, get specific.
Speaker 1:Next, you want to do goals that are measurable and can be tracked. You want to know how far you've come and what progress you've made. So, instead of saying I want to be better at marketing, maybe say I want to post three times a week on Instagram and engage with followers daily Okay, maybe that's your goal. So, if your goal is 20 new clients by the end of March, that's measurable. Three posts each week measurable. Write that down, okay. And you might not know quite yet how you're going to get there. We work on that. In our business coaching and the latest one is up every first of the month there's a new coaching concept, and that's links in the bio too.
Speaker 1:Okay, the next one, sma A, is the next one achievable your goals should be a challenge, but also realistic. So this is about building your confidence, and if you're currently, for example, seeing 10 clients a week, maybe your goal is to see 15 clients a week by June, say. It's something that you can grow into, so that you're seeing 15 clients, which would be about every two hours, which would be about a seven hour day. If you just did half an hour blocks, okay, great money in that. And the idea, though, is to be, again, measurable and smart and achievable. So you don't want to say, oh, I'm 100 clients a day. It's not achievable for you to do by yourself. Maybe it is if you have a staff.
Speaker 1:Now, relevant is R Make sure your goal is aligned with where you want your business to go. So is this helping you achieve your big picture vision? If your focus is to build a high-end client experience, for example, if your focus is to build a high, build a high end client experience, for example, setting goals about low budget services might not align. So if your goal is to achieve more clients, is it relevant? Do you already have like a packed day? You might not want to achieve more clients, you want to be smarter with the ones that you have and maybe you want them each to book one extra service, right? So measurable, but kind of relevant. If you have no clients, then obviously you can count the amount of clients, so being very specific and very relevant to what it is that you're trying to achieve big picture, okay.
Speaker 1:The T is time bound. So every goal needs a timeline. Or it's just something you're talking about, it's just a wish? Okay. So put a date on it. When will you have those new 20 clients? When will you implement those new marketing strategies? Hold yourself accountable. We can hold you accountable, too, inside of our tribe, but hold yourself accountable so that you know okay, this is the timeline. I want to get 20 students per week by March March 1st, march 15th, march 30th when? Put that in your calendar and hold yourself accountable and ask for a buddy. We're going to talk about that in a moment, okay.
Speaker 1:So I used to think. I used to think that vision boards and manifesting were a bunch of woo-woo and that it was all about working hard and working hard towards your success. And what I've come to find over the 22 years that I've been doing this is it really is about the bigger picture and visualizing what success looks like for you. So this is one of my favorite parts of goal setting, because it's where we let your creativity run wild for you. So vision boards I've come to find out that they are not just for fun. They're tools that actually help you align your mind with your goals right, and by having something visual you create that daily reminder of what you're working towards. So in the beginning of your sugar boss planner, you have a little vision board on there. Did you fill it out last year? If you're still on our coaching in our coaching club? If you didn't, then we're going to be starting this year.
Speaker 1:But really the idea is to take that vision board whether it's digital or manual or you're cutting out magazine pictures and really visualize what it is that success looks like for you. So for someone like me, success looks different than for somebody who's just starting out. I want my staff to do well. I want my staff to reach more people in the community, maybe if this is your first time having a skincare business. You want to start by saying, okay, I want to have 10 new clients by this date. But what does that look like? It looks like I will have a more flexible schedule, I can pick my kids up from school, I can quit my corporate job. It has to be what is relevant for you, okay, so take some time to grab a poster board or create a digital one whatever makes your heart happy and find those images and words and quotes that represent where you want your business to be by the end of 2025. I can't believe it's the end of 2020. It's the beginning of 2025 and we'll be talking about q4 very soon.
Speaker 1:It could be pictures of beautifully shared skin. Maybe it's the perfect client experience you're trying to hit. Or maybe it's your dream studio space. That could be it. Put your goals in pictures and when you see them every day, you'll remind yourself of why you're putting in all this effort. I did this a few years ago. I made a vision board of a picture of a busy, thriving studio. I wanted to create a space where the clients love to come, not only for the service, but for the personality and the experience, and every time that I was tired or faced obstacles, I just would open up my book and look at that board and it motivated me to keep going. And let me tell you it is incredible at that board and it motivated me to keep going and let me tell you it is incredible. I'm standing inside of my space and, um, and I've achieved that, and that's because I could see what the success looked like. So I encourage you to make your own vision board, to keep it somewhere that you can see it inside your planner book or by your desk, or somewhere in your studio, or even use it as your phone wallpaper and have some slides on there, because really, it's about what you can see for yourself not for anyone else, but for you Now.
Speaker 1:Selling or setting goals and creating vision boards is an important first step, but here's the truth Goals without actions are just dreams, and it's what you do every day that brings those goals to life right? So taking action is that bridge between where you are now and where you want to be, and without it, dreams are just that they're dreams. So if you think about it, if you're just talking about it and you're not doing anything about it, I have some people that say I'm just going to pray on it or I'm just going to. You know, god's got the plan, which is totally true and totally viable, but you also have to take action, okay. So I'm excited because our sugar pro business coaching course is in action. This program is designed to help you take those dreams and turn them into a reality. I have the guidance and the actionable strategies and a supportive community, and you'll have everything that you need to succeed. It's almost like a roadmap that our co-pilot and a cheerleader rolled all into one. So, really, if it's not our program, that's fine.
Speaker 1:Get a business coach, get a life coach, get a business partner that you can bounce ideas off of and have some accountability, because one of the key features in our course, for example, is accountability. When you have someone holding you accountable, you are far more likely to stay on track and follow through on your plans. That's why I encourage you to find an accountability partner. This could be a fellow sugar pro or a mentor like myself, or even someone in your personal life who believes in you. Share your goals with them, check in with them regularly and lean on them for support when things get tough, and be available for them when things get tough for them.
Speaker 1:So think about this how many times have you set a goal, gotten started and then it just fizzles out because life got busy or you didn't have anyone to keep you motivated? An accountability partner changes that dynamic. They are there to remind you of your why. You know I do it for my boys and now they're off to college, and now I do this for myself because I have lots of time on my hands as an empty nester. And my colleagues, my education team they remind me that I'm doing this for them and for their students. So my education team, my educators that are around the country they challenge each other and hold each other accountable. So find a community we're happy to have you be part of ours and really work with them to celebrate your wins and to help you troubleshoot when those challenges arrive. Because they will arrive, my gosh. Sometimes it's every day it feels like, but challenges will, will arrive.
Speaker 1:You need to have that accountability partner, somebody that's your SD bestie, that can help you there. You're ready to make 2025 the year your business truly thrives. I invite you to take the next step. I invite you to join a business coaching course. We have one Again. Grab a mentor, find that accountability partner and let's make those dreams together, because this isn't about business growth. It's about creating the life that you envision.
Speaker 1:So I have students that, for example. They come to me, they want to work, they want to learn. They have no planner, they have no plans. They start out strong in January and they fizzle out, and that is not what we want for you. And make this year different. Make this year the year you finally have a budget. Make this year the year that you finally put together that business plan or get your name trademarked. You have everything that it takes to create a thriving sugar business even skincare business, just using sugar this year. But it all starts with clarity and action, and you need to set your goals and visualize them and take the first steps this month. There's nothing more powerful than moving forward with purpose, and my team and I are here for you every step of the way.
Speaker 1:So I'd love to hear about your vision boards, your goals, your plans for taking action. Feel free to share them inside the Love to Sugar community. We'd love to cheer you on. Tag me in Instagram with any of your socials that are showing you killing it in your business. Maybe you're a student and you're graduating. Tag us, tag Love to Sugar. Help us, let us cheer you on. Let us help you to just feel good about your business. Sometimes you really feel like you're on an island, and we want to change that this year and really create a sugar tribe community that supports each other and uses good products and, you know, takes their business to the next level. So let's make this the year that you truly transform your business.
Speaker 1:I think a lot about this beautiful industry of ours and I want to make sure that you all understand your goals for 2025. You understand how to do this. You have someone in your corner that's not going to laugh at you if you set a lofty goal, or they're not going to just keep saying yes to you. They're going to challenge you, and that's what this love to sugar community is all about, what the sugar tribe is built for. So the idea is that you come back every month and we will see you.
Speaker 1:The class starts the first Sunday every month. You will get a class sent to you. Starts the first Sunday every month. You will get a class sent to you, and then we have homework and action items and downloadables and email encouragement throughout the month and the Sugar Show podcast will be. The first Sunday of every month is when this will go live and you can listen to us. We're going to be like I said, bringing you success stories like my own, which I am so grateful to be able to share with all of you, and we'll be bringing you success stories from here on out from our educators and from sugar company owners that really are taking their business to the next level, and maybe you started scared and are finishing, had finished 2024 strong and are moving forward for 2025. So I look forward to seeing you every week. Now my social media team is in action and we just are going to be hands-on throughout the country with hands-on educators. So, if you're interested in being an educator, listen out for the educator application and this 2025 year. Man, we have been doing this a really long time. This COVID really kicked us in the backside and it's been a challenge with elections and inflation, and in California, we've got $5 gallons of gas that's starting to come down, thankfully, and you know.
Speaker 1:Now it's time for you and this business, and so if you have ever done anything for yourself, I tell you find a quiet space, get a brand new planner and a pen that you love. I have this one pen that I love the way it feels in my hand and writes Start baby steps by identifying your goals, your smart goals, and saying to yourself okay, what do I want for January, what do I want for February, what do I want for February, what do I want for March? You need help with that. We've got you. In the meantime, have a beautiful month. I look forward to seeing you I guess seeing you speaking to you next month, where we were going to talk about financial foundations and really taking ownership of your business. So, cheers to you all. I look forward to a beautiful 2025 and I am cheering you on all the way. Cheers to your sweet success.